This is a late season fruit and take longer than any other dragon fruit to ripe. The flowers are self-pollinating and the plant will set fruit on its own.
The fruit has thorns that occur on the fruit itself but once ripe it is really easy to brush them off.
The yellow fruit has juicy sweet flesh. Average weight is 0.5 – 0.75 Lbs. and brix reported 20-22.
This one is among the sweetest and tastiest of all the dragon fruit.
Selenicereus Megalanthus. Also known as Yellow Dragon and Columbiana. The stems are dark green, a little olive and a little narrower from typical Hylocereus stems, and the thorns seems to be growing somewhat downwards.
Please note:
We are currently not selling dragon fruit cuttings. Our plants are still young, and we are waiting on them to start producing.
Selling fruit plants true to type is our top priority. Once our plants mature and we can verify the fruit we will notify all those who subscribed.
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